Thursday, November 8, 2007

Spring to Winter

Good morning. I can't get over this crazy NJ weather. We went from summer in late October to winter in November. Where did fall go?
Anyway....... I'm getting ready to paint so I was just looking around for some inspiration. I have these great old railroad tickets that I found in an old book from a family friend who passed away long ago. She worked at the Pennsylvania railroad her whole life so she probably had these laying around all the time and decided to use them as book marks. She was a great lady who lived such a small but interesting life. She lived in a tiny cottage along the water that had no kitchen, no television. Just her German Shepherd Ludwig, her beautiful garden and tons and tons of books.
I think I am going to do my next painting in honor of her using the tickets. Keep an eye out for it!

Here is my latest Thanksgiving painting. It's available at

Thanks for reading!

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