I hope you all had a wonderful Fathers Day weekend. Ours was busy but enjoyable, mostly spent at the pool.
As the title states, I'm slowly trying to get into my studio. Here are a few things that I have in the works.....
This is my latest commissioned painting .......
Some Halloween things I'm working on.....
I volunteer at my sons school in the library so this year the class made me thank you cards. All of them were great but a few were really special so I thought I would share them with you. Again, I'm sorry about the photo quality, I desperately need a new battery in my camera. One more thing for the "To Do" list! UGH!
Most of them have pictures of me on the front and they just cracked me up! All of them gave me awesome yellow hair. I think it's hilarious that they all have my hairstyle perfectly.
Looks like you are doing great things slow or not! Can't wait to see what goes in the Halloween box!!!
What sweet cards!
WHAT is that little POE HEAD ????!!!!!!!
what is that ? You made that ?
It's a riot . It's great .
I love that .
Looks like things are really coming along! Can hardly wait to see what it all turns into! Love the cheerleader. Loving summer!
eeeeeeek!!!! I love that little Poe Head!!! Can't wait to see the finished Mr. Poe:):)
The cards from the kids are the cutest ever. How sweet Tracy!!
I have to share my pictures of the bulletin boards with you soon...I used your pictures and included the one of your boys! Tell them they're famous at Scraggy Hill;)
happy tuesday to you!
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