Friday, June 20, 2008

Something Spooky this way comes.......

I am pleased to announce that I will be joining Dani from Ambitions Design in her new venture, Spooky Time Jingles. It's going to be an on-line market place for all things Halloween and Christmas. I am very excited and can't wait to see what all of the talented folk artists have to offer! Who doesn't love these great holidays? So take a peek here!!!

Meet my little gang of trick or treaters in various stages of "doneness".

Bradley the Lil' Devil ............

and Eunice the teeny witch. More to come!

Have a great weekend!


jen duncan said...

Cutie cute CUTE! I think I've figured out why you're so productive and I'm not. Because you focus on one thing. I, on the other hand, appear to have crafter's ADD and can't just settle down and pick a project!

~dani~ said...

Wonderful!!! So very exciting. Love your lil tricksters!!! {hugs}

Marie Patterson Studio said...

Love your little trick or treaters! They will make a really nice addition to SpookyTime Jingles!

noodle and lou said...

oh my gosh I LOVE them!! How exciting Tracy!! And your Poe doll is soooo killer...I am soooo impressed with him and cracked up at your Borat clay remark!!! heeeeheee:)

happy weekend:)

Jan Thomason said...

Tracy, i love the idea of your new venture and wish you the best of success!
i love your little trick or treaters - they're precious as is all of your work!


Meghan said...

Your stuff is amazing.
Totally love it & will be checkign out Etsy soon.

I was surprised to see you are a local girl. I lived in Mt. Laurel & worked at the Super G/Stop N Shop til 2005.
I digress.

I wanted to invite you to come join my yahoogroup for South Jersey Moms who blog. It's called SJMomBloggers. Original eh?

Come check my blog out when you can too!

Diane Duda said...

these are wonderful!
and your poe is amazing!!!

good luck with all the spookiness.


Marie Patterson Studio said...

Tracy......hey if you're coming into New Hope, maybe I'll be working at the shoe store that day! If not, mention to Carol or Gary that you saw my blog.....and check out my painting hanging on their wall!

Tracy Nuskey Dodson said...

Ok, I will definitely do that!