Hello Friends,
I hope you are all well and good! This is our final week of end of school craziness and then hopefully off to the lazy days of summer. Why is school running so late you ask? Alex goes to private pre-school so I guess we're getting our $"s worth:) His "Graduation" is thursday with little caps and gowns and all....I can't wait to see all of the cute little graduates! I'll be sure to post a few pictures.
I've been busy in the studio but I have to say that it doesn't seem like I'm getting too much accomplished. I think all of the projects I've started have many steps and they are taking longer than I expected. Hopefully I can get into a groove in the future and things will run more smoothly.....ha! wishful thinking on my part! Later this week I will give you a peek at my offerings for my Glitter and Grunge debut. There are a few familiar paintings that I loved so much that I promised to keep for myself but I decided to give them up. I would rather sell them to make money to buy other peoples art!
Here are my two latest paintings that will be available on Ebay later this week...I'll let you know.
Have a great day!
Your Halloween stuff is just gorgeous! Once school is out for a while I bet you will be wishing that summer break was over! LOL!
These 2 new paintings are just so cute!
Thanks ladies! So true Kim,I have already heard complaints of boredom:)
Super sweet painting, Tracy! My boys have been home a week and it is hard to get work done but as soon as I get used to it they will leave ;(
Oh my GOSH, I am SO in love with your Halloween stuff Tracy!! Both these paintings are toooo cute! Today was the last full day for us...Thursday and Friday are "half days". They consider getting out at 10:00 am a half day!! helllooo! yippeeee for summer:):)
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