Friday, January 30, 2009

Blog Avoidance

Hello Friends,
I apologize for the unannounced blog break. I have been reading and commenting on blogs all week but I haven't had the urge to write in my own. It happens:) What I have been concentrating on is trying to get my house and studio in order, finish up consignments and help Jake with a school project. Lucky for me my husband does all of the homework and study chores while I do the art projects. Yes, I find myself avoiding my kids school work the same way I avoided my own back in the day.

Here is the "Ryan Howard" (1st baseman for the Phillies) coffee can head project. We made everything with felt except the hat was papier mache. Fun!

I also finished these two family portraits....

And Marcel the Fish Juggler is complete. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with him but here he is...

And here is a sweet little painting I bought from Thelma.

Here is how she came packaged.

Stinky really appreciated the purchase as well, thanks!
Stinky says have a puuuurfect weekend! Sorry, I couldn't resist:)


Cris said...

I love the commissioned pieces! They turned out wonderful! I am so glad that my days of helping with homework are over! Ugh! My youngest is almost 17. I would never have been able to have time to paint back then. I started doing a lot of gardening when my 3 kiddos were small just to get outside and "de-stress". The coffee can projects are great! I remember doing those. Have fun!
PS What could be cuter than a kitty enjoying paper!

Micki Wilde said...

The family portraits are beautiful, the fish juggler as I may have mentioned before ;) I LOVE HIM!!
And your new Thelma painting is just gorgeous, I am thinking of commissioning her later next month to do me a painting to go with the one that I won in her blog competition!

Love the school project too, my son just had one about world war 2 and we had to make a replica boat, it's planets and galaxies next :)

Micki x

Artfulife said...

What a fun project to do with your son. Glad you are back!

nollyposh said...

The Fish Juggler is fab!

Michelle said...

You may have been gone but this post was full of goodness! Love the school project your purchase and of course your new creations! I love what it says about Marcel, hysterical! Oh, and I did notice you were missing. Nice to know you are missed I think.

XUE said...

yr latest portriats are lovely as expected & marcel makes me smile. the thelma painting makes me think of my little girl whom I hv not seen for about a week. she looks sort of like this. I do miss her so & am happy to be flying to her soon!

sMacThoughts said...

WOw you got so much done! Things take me so long....I feel I work and work and work and come up with ONE thing. :/ The painting by Thelma is beautiful, but my golly I thought you'd printed a typo intending to say "Danita" as the style is just like hers (not implying anything as I have no idea who started this style, it is apparently popular, and actually very delightful). Have a wonderful weekend!

LaurieStar said...

Wow - I just stumbled upon your blog and I absolutely love your work! Beautiful! :)

julie king said...

glad you're back from your break! all of these pieces are wonderful but i think i have a crush on marcel! what fun the entire piece is and so witty that he can train his fish to play dead!!

Monkey-Cats Studio said...

Great post!!! I'll be back to see more!

Hannah Rose said...

we've missed you!!! marcel is so cute!!! adorable in fact!! only 1 question, did doing all the little faces on circles not get extremely head wreaking, thats the sort of thing that makes my patience leave the country!! but he is totally adorable, did i mention that!! lol!!!



Ronnie said...

Wierd. I got up last night at 2AM and drew a stage with a red cat as a magician standing next to a fish bowl w/ a goldfish in it. He's about to make that fish disappear!
Then I find this this morning!!
Maybe I'll paint it today.

Ronnie said...

Went back for a look...Marcel is brilliant. Love the little overflowing boxes of fish! What a great painting. Keeps you busy looking for more!