Monday, March 30, 2009

Bits of Spring

Tiny little bits of hail.

Hello Friends,
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. From what I've been seeing on the news today, it seems the weather is crazy all over. The boys and I went to the movies yesterday morning to see Monsters vs. Aliens (very cute). When we went into the theatre it was cold, dark and raining. When we came out, it was sunny, hot and humid. Weird.
Then in the evening we had our first thunder storm of 2009 complete with hail.

Thanks for the Tote Bag love! I am putting this one in the shop today and this will be it for a while. I like to do something different every once in a while but my fingers are tired of embroidering:)

The pose and eyebrows are different in this one.

Every day on my walk/run I see something that makes me I wish I had my camera. This morning it was CRAZY windy and I saw this Robin trying her best to collect some fine things for her nest. I think she must have been doing some decorating because she had a long piece of Christmas tinsel in her beak...not that's my kind of girl!

I will leave you with a few pictures I took of our spring.

Kitties enjoying the sun. They like to sleep butt to butt.

Lavender seedlings...hopefully I won't kill them:)

Cat Grass that I planted as a treat for the cats. I came home one day to find it mowed down to the dirt with a pile of grassy vomit next to it...yum! No more cat grass for you!!
Enjoy your day.


Sassy said...

You are so talented! I'll bet your fingers ARE sore...but WOW the talent in those fingers are just amzing!

spilling beauty said...

adorable totes!
we got snow last night too!
it looks like spring is still battling winter..
but spring will win soon.

Cris said...

I love the totes! So cute! We had thunder, lightning, and snow Saturday night. It was so weird--then the next day our 4 inches of snow had disappeared by about 3:00pm--Crazy!

I love the kitty pic and the fact that you tried the kitty grass, lol, "been there, done that!" ha ha

Anonymous said...

you are funny!!!
I didn't like the movie.

julie king said...

hopefully that's the last of the hail for a few months! the bag turned out great! i love that you like to shake things up and do something different!

funny about the grass and puke. i guess the grass wasn't greener on the other side?