Thursday, April 9, 2009


Hello Friends,
Today was the first day of spring break for the boys. Luckily it was nice out so we took a little walk to the pizza place and had a slice. With the bathroom construction going on we can't go too far. The bathroom has been completely gutted and it looks a bit like a scary basement.
I think I'll close the door tonight. Keeeeepy!
Tomorrow will begin my very last year of my 30's! I have some lofty goals set for this year, things I would love to accomplish before I turn 40. I want to be a runner again. I used to love to run. It cleared my mind and made me strong both mentally and physically. Now I walk and I find my mind wandering to things that aren't conducive to de-stressing. I've started already, a little bit at a time. I work better with a deadline so we'll see how it turns out.

This morning the boys asked to play with clay so we broke out the sculpey and went to work. This is what I made. I must say I'm, as the title says, quite smitten with these two. So much so that I may keep them for myself. Then again, I say that all of the time but in the end I put them in the shop for someone else to enjoy.

I hope you all enjoy your Easter weekend! We are doing the egg dying tomorrow and the Easter Bunny is set to hide a bunch of plastic eggs around the house.

What are you doing?


jen duncan said...

I reckon I'll be dying eggs, too. I think I'm going for a Martha Stewart/beaded and hanging from ribbons on a flowering tree branch. We'll see how THAT goes! lol.
I love this pair of swimmers. I'd like to see them amidst layers of paper cut ocean waves like on flapjack (which is SO weird, but I let Caleb watch it anyway). Look at this image to see what I mean,

Sue said...

I love your busts! They are wonderful!

hmmm, I'll be waiting for my scattered family to start returning home for the weekend. And then the fun begins!

Cheryl Prater said...

They are wonderful in their little bathing costumes!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

tracy, these are super cute!

Heidi said...

Very cute busts! I too have started the last year of my thirties. Not sure what to do for Easter yet. I think we'll dye eggs on Saturady and maybe go to our little town egg hunt. They have it every year but we've always been gone. I think it would be fun to go. Happy Easter and happy running!

Artfulife said...

I have a huge never ending pile of projects to finish up. Kids to keep happy and such, thankfully I enjoy all of those things. If I just had a few more arms so I could finish things more quickly.

I LOVE the little swimmer couple. They are so whimsical. Hope you have a fun time with your boys on their spring break.

Naija said...


If its your birthday tomorrow congrats...I like your busts..Im doing some springcleaning..have a greeat easter

Micki Wilde said...

These 2 are gorgeous it's no wonder you want to keep them.
I envy you that you can run, I had an accident years ago which prevents me from doing any form of aerobic/jarring exercises, but I do love to swim though :)

Micki x

Mandy said...

Cooper and I wanted to stop in and wish you a very happy birthday! xoxo We'll see you later on w/ the eggs. :)

Flor Larios Art said...

Happy Birhtday Tracy!
Love your new creations!
I believe I will be going to the beach with my neighbors this in Florida. Hiope you have a great Easter!
I wish you the best with your new plans...

Jenny Carter said...

Oh you should see some of the renovations we've done. Lots where abandoned homes, so they were really spooky. I have only 5 more months left of my 30's. I may not look it yet, but man I feel it. I took a few years off the gym and now I feel like I have Working out really does keep you young!

Have a good Easter!

CourtneyP said...

Sounds like a great day. My boys have been off for a few days.... the novelty has worn off and they are now into fight mode. I put on a movie to calm the waters!

TheFancyChola said...

Good Friday dinner full of meatless goodness..egg Dying Saturday...Chruch and hunting eggs Sunday..have fun!

Sassy said...

I L♥VE these are GOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!