Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Spring Break


My sister is offering her Artist's Pouches exclusively to my Blog Followers!! Just visit her blog here and pick one. At $9.50 + Free Shipping it's a steal!! The secret code word is "Sister." Original right? These little bags were a huge hit the last time she made them and I've been bugging her to make more for a year so I'm pleased that she is giving my friends the first crack at them. I keep my pouch full of pencils and ink pens in my tote bag with my sketchbook.
They are first come, first serve so pick them up quick before they're gone:)

Hello Friends,

I'm sorry I have been a very bad blogger. Between workers running in and out of the house, the boys being home for spring break and not feeling all that great, I haven't had the time or energy to do a regular post.

We spent the week hanging out in the yard on the nice sunny days and going to museums on the rainy ones. One day we went to the Garden State Discovery Museum. It's a great little place for the kids to run around and play and learn. Sadly I think this will be Jake's last visit because he's getting too old but Alex absolutely loved it.

Giant Light Bright. They also had giant Color forms.

I loved them as a kid!

Construction site.

The kitchen section of the Diner. Cute little aprons and silly rubber food.

The S.S. Fish-N-Trips.

I also promised to show pictures of my fabulous birthday gifts. These are two of the artsy gifts from my sister.

Mauve and Murray from mummysam. I just love her stuff!! My sister bought me Murray and I thought he needed a gal so I bought Mauve. I just love her hat!

And my terribly talented sister made me this pillow for my red living room.

She knows me so well!

Speaking of my sister, this weekend is our second annual sisters weekend! We are staying at a B&B and going to an antique's festival. Hopefully the weather will be nice.

Talk to you soon!


Diane Duda said...

Lovin' the gifts and the giant lite brite!!!
did i tell you happy birthday? Happy Birthday. :)


CourtneyP said...

Love the little pillow couple. The boys look like they had fun. It is just so sad when they start to grow out of all these fun little places....

Heidi said...

I think the artsy couple is so neat! Your sister's pillow is adorable. Have a fabulous time with your sister this weekend!

elma said...

Love your gifts from mummy sam. We have some of her things for Adrian. I got a pouch for our Abigail for church:) Have a fun weekend. I told my sister about it last year but I still have little ones so It is hard for me to leave them. I think that is a great idea to spend a weekend together. Hope you have good weather and find lots of treasures.

Unknown said...

What fabulous gifts You and your sister must be very close.

suzi whitaker said...

Glad I found your blog! I remember lite brites! I am turning the big 50 in a few weeks...I need to do something special. The B&B and antiques fair sound wonderful, have a great time!

TheFancyChola said...

You and your sister obviously come from a grey colorfull gene pool! Her stuff is great..I'm jealous..my siser is a massage therapist..wanna trade for a couple days?? HA.

julie king said...

the little zip bags are adorable! talent runs in your family! glad mauve and murray are reunited at your place.