Monday, March 3, 2008

Feels Like Spring!

Hello Friends,

If you have read any of my recent posts it's no secret that I'm excited about spring! Today it's going to be a high of 60 degrees!!!! I opened the windows a bit, hung laundry out to dry and Alex played on the swings....and it's only 1:00. I'm a little concerned about how my little business may suffer in the spring because I love to garden. Hopefully I can move my studio out to the patio. Today I went to the thrift store and found the perfect metal tray to carry my supplies in and out of the house. I can't wait! I'm a little bit wound up today, can you tell?

I am attaching a photo of two works in progress. One I am probably going to keep myself since it's huge and the other I may keep for myself because it's inspired by one of my favorite books. See if you can tell which.....

Hope you are enjoying your monday as much as we are:)


~dani~ said...

Oh, I do not blame you for wanting to keep them. Your work is so inspiring and calming at the same time! Cannot wait to see what you have next to show us.
Your Alex is a lil sweetpea! I miss having lil ones. (lil to me as mine are in high school)

jen duncan said...

WOW! I wouldn't blame you for wanting to keep that piece on the easel, but I'll secretly hope that you offer it for sale! ;-)

Michelle said...

beautiful, beautiful, Beautiful! All three pictures!

Sandy Mastroni said...

Love your painting . what book ???
Something of Jane Austin's ?
TELL ME !!!! Will I win a prize ?
Okay I'll just guess ' Emma '
just a guess

Eloise H.R said...

Your work looks great as always!!

Studio in the garden???!?!! ohhhhh!! please let me work for you there!!!
Although i wouldn't be very productive with all the beautiful distractions i have to admit;)
but if you ever need an xtra hand..? ok?

kisses xxxx
Hidden Eloise

Tracy Nuskey Dodson said...

Thanks so much for all of your comments and compliments! I really appreciate every one of them:)