Thursday, March 3, 2011


hello friends,
this week has been a lucky week for me!
after the ladies social for my son's school i collected all
 of these discarded tickets for collage projects.

pink and red.

then my mother in-law gifted me this great bundle of foreign currency.
italy, japan, the phillipines....

then my very sweet friend lisa sent me a card with this little treat inside!
a war ration book form 1943.
it was from her uncle and she gave it to me to use in my art.
how great is that???

see, am i a lucky girl or what?
i can't wait to use these things.

i'm trying my best to keep my promise of four paintings a week but this week is tough.
the boys have had two half days and i have only finished one piece so far.
tea anyone?
i seriously can't start my day without my cup of tea.
in the winter it warms me up.
in the summer it wakes me up.
i don't like fancy tea.
just plain

this original piece plus print will be in my shop later today.
**is now in my shop**

i'm off to work.
enjoy your day:)


Artfulife said...

All those tickets and papers are wonderful! Hope you an fit some art in today!

Micki Wilde said...

Your not going to start slacking off already are you?
Only 1 painting, that's shocking ;)

Love your latest painting, although i'm more of a coffee lady myself.

Micki x

Mrs. Cherry Heart said...

I am with day starts with a cup or 3 of tea!
Its like comfort food to me!
I love it!

Love the sweet painting, I actually drink my tea from a red polka dot tea cup! :-)

Smiles, Dolly

P.S. lets have tea together sometime!

julie king said...

you are the lucky one!! i bought a whole roll of orange tickets at goodwill recently for like 2 bucks. please justlet me know if you'd like some. i'll never use them all up.

your new piece is so cute. love the way you used the ticket!

Micki Wilde said...

Yeah I think smaller paintings are the way to go, the largest size I do now is 8x10 inches ;)